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ISSP2024 Symposium Summary

1. Attendees

  • Total registrants : 238 (General: 198, Exhibitors:40)

  • Countries:

Japan 162,  Taiwan 38, Czech Republic 6, Belgium 4,  USA 4,  Korea 4, 
Germany 4, Slovakia 3, Sweden 3,  China 4, Iceland 2, Morocco 2,
Singapore 2, Switzerland 2, UK 2, India 1, Ireland 1, Poland 1

2. Presentations & Exhibitions

  • Keynote presentations:    3

  • Invited presentations:      10

  • Industrial presentations:   9

  • Oral presentations:    24

  • Poster presentations: 101

  • Exhibition : 23 companies

3. Highlights from All Sessions!

July 3 (Wed) 

July 4 (Thu) 

July 5 (Fri) 

Thank you again for your participation!
We look forward to seeing you in ISSP2026!

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