Information for Presenters
1. Oral presenters
Presentation time:
Keynote: 40 mins (including 5 mins discussion)
Invited: 30 mins (including 5 mins discussion)
Industrial: 20 mins (including 5 mins discussion)
Oral talk: 20 mins (including 5 mins discussion)
Please use your personal PC for your oral presentation. HDMI cables will be provided at the Science Hall.
Please check the connection of your PC to the projector before your session starts.
If you wish to use the conference PC (Windows 11 and PowerPoint), please contact the conference secretariat in advance your session.
All oral presenters are requested to present also at the poster session on the day of the oral session.
2. Poster presenters
Poster Size
Posters should be no larger than 841 mm wide by 1189 mm high (A0 size) in portrait orientation. Please do not exceed this size.
Poster Preparation
All illustrations, charts, and text materials must be prepared ahead of the meeting. No printing facilities will not be available during the meeting.
Poster Setup and Removal
All posters must be set up one hour before your poster session. Please put up your poster on the panel along with your presentation code number. Remove your poster after the session of the day. Pushpins will be provided in the room.
* Push pins for mounting posters will be provided in the poster area.
* Any remaining posters will be removed and disposed of by the symposium secretariat.